15 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

If you haven’t used apple cider vinegar, you’re missing out! Apple cider vinegar is full of potential and is relatively cheap! This substance can make salad dressings, kill weeds, clean appliances, and polish silver. Apple cider vinegar(ACV) is just as useful in the kitchen and the medicine cabinet as it is in the mop cupboard. Thanks to the potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals it includes.

1. Whitens Teeth

If you don’t mind the flavor, you can use apple cider vinegar to restore your pearly whites. Yellow teeth can be upsetting, but pastes and whitening kits are expensive. ACV is a cheap and easy way to bring back that natural glow. It removes stains and kills bacteria throughout the entire mouth. Gargle the ACV for a short period before brushing your teeth as usual.

2. Triggers Weight Loss

Acetic acid, when consumed regularly, can help to support weight loss. Raw apple cider vinegar holds a notable amount of acetic acid. Various studies show that people with obesity encountered decreased overall body weight, abdominal fat, and waist circumference when consuming apple cider vinegar. Besides weight loss, the consumption of acetic acid also can help prevent fat buildup.

3. Controls Blood Sugar

The body generally produces insulin to control the amount of sugar in the blood. ACV has anti-glycemic effects, which means it enhances hormone sensitivity. People who cope with hormone resistance could profit from taking a shot of apple cider vinegar morning, afternoon, and evening. Stir one teaspoon of ACV into a glass of water. This supplement slows absorption and glucose production to help lower blood sugar.

4. Treats Constipation

Water-soluble fibers like pectin aid with bowel movements, and because ACV contains this polysaccharide, it handles constipation. If other medications have disappointed you or you’d prefer a natural at-home remedy, drink two tablespoons with water. If the taste is too strong, adding a touch of grape or apple juice can help the concoction go down smoother. Drinking this mix twice a day can promote balance and regular digestion. 

5. Conditions the Hair

Blending equal parts water and apple cider vinegar makes a natural hair solution that nourishes and leaves locks soft and shiny. It can also assist in restoring the pH balance and destroying the fungus that causes dandruff. Apply the mix and let it soak for at least fifteen but no longer than sixty minutes, a couple times per week.

6. Creates Radiant Skin

Apple cider vinegar can transform irregular skin tone thanks to its inherent astringent properties. Dilute ACV with water, wet a cotton pad in the mixture, and then pat it straight onto blemishes. The combination can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Half a cup of ACV in a water cup can also regulate pH and tighten the pores.

7. Gets Rid of Leg Cramps

The minerals in apple cider vinegar help with pain and reduce the frequency and intensity of leg cramps. If you encounter a cramp, sip a glass of warm water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Adding honey helps it taste better. Drink it slowly, and the pain should fade in no time.

8. Helps with Coughs and Colds

During the cold season, apple cider vinegar can help relieve the viruses that tend to circulate. Mix a teaspoon each of warm water, honey, and ACV. Take this mixture up to three times a day to thin secretions and reduce coughing. Stuffy nose, congestion, and other symptoms should also clear up more quickly.

9. Fights Infections

The antiseptic properties in ACV help to combat bacterial and fungal infections. It is beneficial topically to prevent skin problems such as acne. ACV most likely won’t be enough to cure an active ear infection or UTI, but it can help prevent them from reoccurring.

10. Lowers Blood Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar has the power to reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol at the same time. This can help people with diabetes, which prompts lower levels of “good” HDL and raises “bad” LDL cholesterol. However, anyone with existing health issues should speak to a doctor before making this shift in their diet.

11. Curbs Hiccups

A teaspoon of ACV could end an episode of hiccups. In one report, a person with persistent hiccups encountered relief by drinking the vinegar after several other remedies didn’t work. Dilute ACV with water to avoid stomach upset or throat irritation.

12. Increases Energy

Excessive stress or intense exercise can trigger lactic acid buildup in the body, leading to fatigue. With its potassium, amino acids, and enzymes, apple cider vinegar can help restore energy. Since antioxidants in ACV help stabilize blood sugar and lower blood pressure, they help alleviate the tiring effects of stress throughout the body.

13. Fades Bruises

Lactic acid and other apple cider vinegar constituents help reduce scarring and inhibit bacteria’s growth that causes acne. Lactic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid, and it helps to enhance skin texture and tone. It also stimulates the production of collagen, which then promotes the growth of new and younger-looking skin. It is suggested to dilute one part vinegar in four to ten parts water for topical use, depending on skin type.

14. Eases Sore Throat

Many people have obtained relief for their sore throat by gargling apple cider vinegar with warm water. Apple cider vinegar demonstrates potent antifungal and antibacterial activity. The vinegar supports healthy lymphatic drainage to relieve a sore throat and other seasonal allergy symptoms. Potassium in ACV helps break up and thin mucus, a common issue with sore throats.

15. May Reduce Bloating and Indigestion

ACV can help digestion; however, evidence of this benefit is meager. The yeast in ACV is considered a probiotic that can increase the beneficial gut bacteria population while inhibiting harmful gut microbiota. A teaspoon of ACV with water before or after meals may help limit gas buildup.